
Illuminate Your Inner Magic: A Chakra Meditation and Cleansing Guide【電子書籍】[ Morenikeji ]





<p>Unlock the power of your chakras and transform your health with this comprehensive guidebook! In Chakra Healing, Morenikeji provides the definitive handbook for balancing your energy through food, yoga, meditation and lifestyle rituals.</p> <p>This beautifully illustrated book will teach you how to harness the ancient wisdom of the 7 chakras, the body's energetic power centers that regulate physical, spiritual and emotional health. Learn how blocked chakras manifest illness while balanced chakras allow vital energy to flow freely, creating optimal wellbeing.</p> <p>Detailed chapters correspond to each chakra, explaining its meaning, associated body parts and health issues, and providing yoga poses, affirmations, crystals, essential oils, and other healing modalities tailored to that energy center. You'll discover how to diagnose energetic imbalances in each chakra and use customized techniques to rebalance them.</p> <p>At the core of the book is the chakra diet program, outlining the vibrational properties of foods and guiding you through nutrition plans aimed at clearing each chakra. You'll find nourishing recipes for smoothies, snacks, and main dishes that specifically align with each chakra's frequency. Personal real-life case study in every chapter illustrates the transformative power of addressing imbalances in that chakra.</p> <p>This is the definitive guide to employing your chakras' potential to heal and elevate your whole self. With Chakra Healing's step-by-step roadmap, you'll learn to tune into your energetic anatomy, remove blocks, and channel your chakras toward health, creativity and spiritual connection. Your highest self awaits ? illuminate it now!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:900円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)


