
送料無料 木箱入り シャトー ポンテ カネ [ 2020 ] 12本セット ( 赤ワイン ) ※同梱不可[S]








」(ワイナート誌59号)〈Wine Report〉の山本昭彦氏による「2021年に記憶に残った10本。


」と、言われるほどメキメキと頭角を現してきましたが、高騰する格付ボルドーの中で、1万円台で買えるお値打ち度も見逃せません!! ■《ワイン・アドヴォケイト》より抜粋■2020 Pontet-CanetWhile Justine Tesseron declined my request to taste at the property, I was able to acquire a bottle of the 2020 Pontet-Canet for review. The wine starts strong, wafting from the glass with attractive aromas of cherries, sweet berries and plum preserve mingled with lilac and licorice, but that's followed by a medium to full-bodied, firm and extracted palate that lacks the amplitude and flesh to conceal the rather drying tannins which dominate the earthy finish. It's an open secret among Bordeaux insiders that this estate - which has benefited from such significant and laudable investments and which was on such an upward trajectory through 2011?has been a perplexingly erratic performer since 2012, intermingling successful vintages with relative failures, and the 2020 only confirms that. While the 2020 isn't by any means a flawed wine, and time may well be kind to it, it doesn't transcend this estate's fifth growth status, even if this chateau's terroir clearly has the potential to.◆パーカーポイント:92+点◆飲み頃:2023〜2040年 INFORMATION NameChateau Pontet Canet ブドウ品種カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン/メルロー/カベルネ・フラン (比率不明) 生産者名シャトー ポンテ カネ 産地フランス/ボルドー/メドック RegionFrance/Bordeaux/Medoc 内容量750ml WA92+/Issue Apr 07, 2023 WS−/Issue − ※WA : Wine Advocate Rating ※WS : Wine Spectator Rating ★


  • 商品価格:213,012円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)


